Automatic Drawings

For my Dissertation investigation entitled ‘The Utility of the Unconscious in Drawing’ I had created some still life experiments exploring a fast and loose approach to drawing known as ‘Automatic Drawing’. This type of drawing has always been a very much enjoyed process over the years of my study that I had either accidentally or purposeful established in my mark making process.

The pressure of timing myself allowed me to break away from the rational thinking of consciousness that would concern my thinking with the perfectionism of the representational quality of my subjects. However this free movement captured in my five-minute drawings, highlights my enjoyable sensations rushing along and fulfilling the variety of forms that I instinctively desired to draw. I loved the unique visual language and liveliness of the drawing results. They are extremely expressive and fascinating as they surprise us with their strange moving forms. This usefulness and self-expressive nature of this method of working is a process that I wish to exercise regularly in my work to drive my thinking and making with the delight of the pleasures stimulated within this drawing technique and therefore a wonderful role that I recognise in promoting such free thinking and pleasurable emotions to my audience.

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Author: ellosweetmellon

I am 21 years old and I live in Cardif. My dream is to be a great illustrator that can sell and exhibit my work with pride.

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